Immune Boosting Recipe by @DrChefEats

Dr Julinda Lee May 11, 2020

Immune Boosting Recipe by @DrChefEats


Dr Julinda teamed up with Chef Shen to launch Dr Chef Eats IGTV this May!

Watch the full video here:

Together with the lovely folks at FairPrice and Unity, they will share  a series of videos which show you how you can eat for wellness. These recipes are not only delicious, but also easy-to-cook and relate back to a wellness topic.

In this first episode, we explore how you can boost your immunity with the ingredients found in Assam Pedas Prawns. Watch on!

Ingredients for this Recipe
200g Prawns (you may substitute with fish, tofu, jackfruit)
1 stalk curry leaves
1 turmeric leaf
10 small ladies fingers, cut into wedges
1 brinjal, cut into wedges
2 tomatoes, cut into wedges
5 slices of tamarind fruit
2 tbs of olive oil
Salt to taste
250ml water

Spice Paste/Rempah (blend in food processor)
1 tbs fish curry powder
1 clove garlic
1 stalk of lemongrass white part only, cut cross sectionally
4 shallots
3 tbs chilli powder
2 tbs fish sauce (substitute with soy sauce if vegetarian)