Cervical Cancer (HPV) Vaccination

Dr Julinda Lee Jan 18, 2019

Cervical Cancer (HPV) Vaccination

Cervical Cancer (HPV) Vaccination

Cervical Cancer and HPV

Cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women. Almost all cases of cervical cancer are related to a persistent infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV). There are more than 150 different types of HPV, with about 13 types known to cause cervical cancer. These types of HPV are also known as “high-risk HPV”.

The types of high-risk HPV most commonly associated with cervical cancer are types 16 and 18, which account for about 70% of all cases of cervical cancer. The rest of cervical cancer are caused by HPV types 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 and a few others.

Besides cervical cancer, HPV can also cause warts around the genital and anal region, and these can be emotionally distressing and difficult to treat even though they are not typically life-threatening. HPV types 6 and 11 account for about 90% of anogenital warts.

Cervical Cancer (HPV) Vaccination

Preventing Cervical Cancer

Since cervical cancer is caused by a virus, preventing an infection by the virus in the first place can prevent cervical cancer. Although it is true that many patients infected with HPV go on to get rid of the infection, there are patients whose immune systems are not able to rid themselves of HPV, which can develop into a pre-cancerous or cancerous change of the cervix.

How HPV Vaccination Works

A vaccine contains the outer coat of the virus (also known as the envelope), and not the live virus and hence cannot result in an infection. The proteins in the envelope of the virus are unique to each strain of HPV. They can induce an immune response when introduced into the body, and result in the production of antibodies by our body’s immune cells. These antibodies heighten our immune response on when we exposed to HPV subsequently, which helps to kill the virus before it can infect our cells.

Your Options for HPV Vaccines

There are different types of vaccines available:

  • Cervarix: protects against infection from HPV 16 and 18
  • Gardasil 4-valent: protects against infection from HPV 16, 18, 6 and 11
  • Gardasil 9-valent: protects against infection from HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58, 6 and 11

All HPV vaccines are given in 3 doses, at 0, 2 and 6 months. Since the injection of the vaccine induces an immune response, it is common to have some swelling and pain at the site of the injection. Serious side effects are not common, but you should discuss this in detail with your physician if you have any other medical conditions, as this can affect your response to the vaccine.

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