Services for Women
Bio-identical hormone replacement therapy
Hormones are chemicals secreted by certain glands within the body. For example estrogen is secreted by the ovaries in women, growth hormone by the pituitary gland and thyroid hormone from the thyroid gland.
Hormones control many functions in the body, which is why hormone imbalance or hormone insufficiency may result in symptoms of reduced function such as tiredness, sleep disorders, weight gain, mood changes and changes in sexual interest and function.
Bio-identical hormones are hormones that are identical in structure to the hormones that are found in the human body. Plants and animals have hormones too but they are not identical in structure to those found in the human body. Certain hormones made by drug companies may have similar effect to those found in our bodies but these are not bioidentical and may carry side effects, known or unknown.
Some larger trials show that using bio-identical progesterone appears to be safer than using a drug progestogen (something that looks like progesterone but varies in many ways to the effects of progesterone) with regards to breast cancer risk. Bio-identical hormones may be manufactured by pharmaceutical companies or more commonly compounded in a compounding pharmacy. Their dosages and routes of administration may be adjusted so that the lowest possible dosage of the hormones may be used for the safest outcome with hormone replacement therapy